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  • 英国光脚丫童书社绘本The little red hen.pdf

    英国光脚丫童书社绘本The little red hen.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-09 页数:18



  • 填色绘本colour_peppa_george.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-07 页数:1



  • Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物We See Them Grow.pdf

    Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物We See Them Grow.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:6



  • 斑点狗小玻系列Spot goes to the park.pdf

    斑点狗小玻系列Spot goes to the park.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:31



  • 斑点狗小玻系列Spot goes shopping.pdf

    斑点狗小玻系列Spot goes shopping.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:14



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-03_Best_Friend.pdf

    1S1-032Narrator: Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.Peppa: Hello, Suzy! Suzy: Baaaa! Hello, Peppa. Narrator: Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa. Peppa loves Suzy.Suzy loves Peppa. ey are best friends.3Mummy: Peppa, why don't you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom?Peppa: Yes, mummy!4Narrator: George wants to play, too. Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa's bedroom. So does George. Peppa: No, George. is game is just for big girls. Go and play with your own toys.5Narrator: Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.Peppa: I’m a tiny little fairy princess! I’m going to wave my magic wand and turn you into a frog!6Narrator: George doesn't like playing on his own. George wants to play, too.Peppa: No, George! I’m playing with SuzyYou'll have to play somewhere else. Narrator: George wants to play with Peppa. He feels a bit lonely.7Mummy: George, l need some help! I’m making chocolate chip cookies! Someone needs to lick out the bowl. Narrator: George likes helping Mummy make cookies. But he likes playing with Peppa more.8Suzy: I want to be a nurse!Peppa: I want to be a doctor.Suzy:But who's gonna be the sick person? Peppa: GEORGE!!!9Narrator: Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses. So does George. Peppa listens to George's chest.10Peppa: Now, George, take a big breath in then cough. Mm, I think your heart's a bit loose I’ll put a plaster on it. Suzy: Baa! Open wide, please.11Narrator: Suzy takes George's temperature.Suzy: Oh, dear, you're very, very hot. I think you have to stay in bed for three years.12Narrator: Daddy Pig has come to find George.Daddy: Oh, no! What's wrong with George? Peppa: Don't worry, Daddy. It's only a game. George is our patient. Daddy: Oh, I see. Can the patient have a visitor? Peppa: Just for a little while. He might get tired.13Peppa: Cookies!!!Mummy: Yes, they're for George. ey're his medicine to make him feel better.14Daddy: Um, excuse me, doctor, Can you help me? I have a sore tummy. at tickles!P

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-12_bicycles.pdf

    1S1-122Narrator: It is a lovely, sunny day,and Peppa and George are riding their bicycles.3Mummy :at's a ne pumpkin,Daddy Pig!Narrator: Daddy Pig is very proud of his pumpkin.Daddy :Pumpkins are the only thing I can grow.Probably because I love pumpkin pie!4Peppa:Come on, George.Danny, Suzy, Rebecca!Narrator:Peppa and her friends,Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Rebecca Rabbit,are riding their bicycles.George is riding his tricycle.Peppa:He's going so slowly.5Danny: Let's race to Daddy Pig's pumpkin.Peppa:If we race to Daddy's Pumpkin,We have to be very careful not to bump into it.Daddy would be very sad if the pumpkin got broken.Danny: Don't worry, Peppa..Race you!6Narrator:Peppa and her friends are racing to Daddy Pig's pumpkin!Daddy: Hey! watch out for my pumpkin!!Danny:Hurray!Mummy :Peppa! Look out!Daddy's Pumpkin!!!!Peppa:Sorry, Daddy! Look at George!He's going so slowly! George is still riding a baby bike!7Danny: Yours is a baby bike, too, Peppa! You've still got stabilizers!Rebecca: I can ride without my stabilizers.Suzy: Me, too.Danny: And me.Let's ride up the hill again! Are you coming, Peppa?Peppa: No, I think I'll stay here.Suzy: See you later! Peppa: Bye!8Narrator: Peppa wishes she did not have stabilizers on her bicycle.Peppa: Daddy, I don't want stabilizers anymore. Daddy : Do you think you can ride without them?Peppa: Yes.Daddy : Alright, Peppa. Let's take them o.9Narrator:Daddy Pig is taking the stabilizerso Peppa's bicycle.Mummy : Are you sure you want to ride without stabilizers?Peppa: Yes!Mummy : You've never done it before.Peppa: I can do it. I can! I can! Arrgh! It's not funny!10Narrator:Riding without stabilizers is not easy.Daddy :Would you like some help,Peppa?Peppa: Yes, please, Daddy.Daddy : Alright. ReadySteady GO!Peppa:Don't let go, Daddy!Daddy : Don't worry. I've got you.Mummy :You're doing really well, Peppa.11Peppa:Hold on, Daddy!Daddy :Just keep peddling.Narrator: Peppa is riding on her o

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-15_picnic.pdf

    1S1-152Narrator: It is a lovely bright, sunny day.Peppa and her family are going for a picnic!Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket.Daddy: Picnic-blanket,bread,cheese,tomatoes and lemonade.Is there anything we’ve forgotten? Peppa: Mummy's strawberry cake!Daddy: I was just teasing! Narrator: Mummy's home-made strawberry cake is there, too.3Daddy: Is everybody ready?All: Ready!Daddy: en let’s go!Daddy: This looks like just the spot for our picnic!All: Hurray!Daddy: It's great to be outdoors!We should run around a bit and get some exercise!4Mummy: I want to eat, and then have a nap.I certainly don't want to run around.Peppa: Maybe Daddy should run around a bit. His tummy is quite big.Daddy: My tummy is not big.But Later, I will get some exercise, even if no one else does.5Mummy: Let's eat!Daddy: Good idea, Mummy Pig!I'm really hungry! Hmmm Delicious! Daddy: Ahhhhh! I feel quite sleepy! Mummy: I thought you wanted to run around a bit, Daddy Pig? Daddy: Later6Peppa: Look! ere's a little duck pond!Duck:"quack,quack,quack"Peppa: Mummy, can we feed the ducks? Mummy: Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.Narrator: Peppa and George love feeding bread to ducks.7Peppa: Mummy, I think they want some more.Mummy: at was the last of the bread. I'm sure they've had enough. Peppa: Sorry, Mrs. Duck, We've no more bread.Narrator: e ducks want more food.8Mummy: So much for Daddy Pig and his exercise!Daddy: Eh? What?Mummy: You lot again!Peppa told you;ere's no more bread!9Peppa: Mummy, we do have strawberry cake!Mummy: Well, if there's any cake left over,you can give it to the ducks.Narrator: Everyone likes Mummy Pig's home-made strawberry cake!10Mummy: Eeek! A Wasp!I hate Wasps! Shooooo!Daddy: What a fuss, Mummy Pig!It's only a little Wasp! Mummy: Go away, Wasp! Daddy: Just stay still, Mummy Pig. en it will y away. Daddy: ere! You see,all you had to do is stay still!11Daddy: Eh! Get away! Scram! Whoa�Help! Whooooaaa!�Shh

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 第一级(适合3-6岁儿童)快乐一家人.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:17



  • 调皮的亨利英文绘本01 Horrid Henry's Perfect Day.pdf

    调皮的亨利英文绘本01 Horrid Henry's Perfect Day.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:20



  • 调皮的亨利英文绘本06 Horrid Henry's Haunted House (1999).pdf

    调皮的亨利英文绘本06 Horrid Henry's Haunted House (1999).pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:44



  • 北美儿童文学杂志红蜘蛛2. Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids - February 2016.pdf

    北美儿童文学杂志红蜘蛛2. Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids - February 2016.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:41



  • 机灵狗第1级S21_Time for lunch.pdf

    S121I feed my fish.I feed my dog.I feed my bird.I feed my cat.I feed my frog.I feed my fox.And I feed me.

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16



  • Bringing Down the Moon (2009.Candlewick Press) (Brainiac).pdf

    Bringing Down the Moon (2009.Candlewick Press) (Brainiac).pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:14



  • Britannica Discovery Library 003 People and Places.pdf

    Britannica Discovery Library 003 People and Places.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:32



  • 世界TOP绘本03 Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (1939).pdf

    世界TOP绘本03 Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (1939).pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:24



  • 世界TOP50初级启蒙绘本Little Blue and Little Yellow.pdf

    世界TOP50初级启蒙绘本Little Blue and Little Yellow.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:48



  • 世界TOP50初级启蒙绘本Scaredy Squirre.pdf

    世界TOP50初级启蒙绘本Scaredy Squirre.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:40



  • 彼得兔系列英语绘本The Story of Miss Moppet.pdf

    彼得兔系列英语绘本The Story of Miss Moppet.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:12



  • 高清彩绘英文原版绘本The Magic Schoolbus - Gets Ants in Its Pants.pdf

    高清彩绘英文原版绘本The Magic Schoolbus - Gets Ants in Its Pants.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:32









