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    上传时间:2023-05-13 页数:113



  • 小学语文知识图谱.pdf

    语基文学字词字音多音字字义近反义词先秦孔丘秦吕不韦唐王勃现代鲁迅前后鼻音褒义贬义孟轲《吕氏春秋》杨炯郭沫若易误读敬词谦词荀况两汉司马迁卢照邻巴金字形形近字一词多义李耳司马相如骆宾王茅盾易误用汉字文化书法庄周贾谊陈子昂老舍笔画数甲骨文韩非《史记》张若虚曹禺笔顺造字法墨翟汉乐府李白徐志摩查字典印章孙武《古诗十九首》杜甫冰心成语理解意思病句分类 语序不当左丘明魏晋南北朝曹操王维沈从文典故搭配不当列御寇曹植孟浩然朱自清带动物成分残缺屈原陶渊明高适戴望舒带数字 结构混乱《论语》王羲之岑参钱钟书特殊格式含糊不清《孟子》谢灵运王昌龄艾青褒义贬义逻辑错误《庄子》《世说新语》王之涣萧红易误用考法判断《韩非子》《搜神记》韩愈法国雨果灵活运用修改《荀子》《木兰诗》白居易大仲马修辞种类比喻标点逗号《左传》《西洲曲》刘禹锡福楼拜拟人句号《离骚》五代十国李煜柳宗元莫泊桑排比双引号《诗经》宋柳永孟郊凡尔纳夸张破折号《山海经》范仲淹贾岛法布尔设问省略号《楚辞》欧阳修李商隐梅里美反问书名号元关汉卿苏轼杜牧巴尔扎克考法判断感叹号王实甫王安石温庭筠英国莎士比亚效果问号马致远秦观唐传奇笛福语言运用逻辑连词成句仿写仿写带修辞的句子白朴周邦彦明于谦斯威夫特句子排序对对联王冕陆游汤显祖狄更斯句型转换把字句口语交际表达得体清曹霑岳飞冯梦龙拜伦被字句理解言外之意吴敬梓李清照凌濛初雪莱扩句缩句扩句拟写标语蒲松龄辛弃疾宋濂济慈缩句拟写广告词沈复姜夔唐寅夏洛蒂·勃朗特阅读龚自珍范成大杨慎艾米丽·勃朗特字词基础题词义概括归纳题层段内纳兰性德杨万里《三国演义》安妮·勃朗特近反义词段自然段郑燮叶绍翁《水浒传》美国欧·亨利解词逻辑段《红楼梦》朱熹《西游记》马克·吐温信息提取题画线题篇主要内容《聊斋志异》周敦颐俄国普希金海明威找代指中心思想《儒林外史》《资治通鉴》托尔斯泰杰克·伦敦填内容分析鉴赏题关键词无西班牙塞万提斯日本川端康成契诃夫印度泰戈尔提取概括关键句无芥川龙之介高尔基开放型问题起标题功能句总起句果戈里补充句子总结句写作收获启发中心句叙述叙事顺序顺序描写环境描写自然环境场面描写点面结合结合生活实际过渡句倒叙社会环境定格修辞句比喻插叙人物描写外貌感官描写视觉续写拟人叙事技巧折腾语言听觉排比设置悬念动作嗅觉文言文阅读实词设问欲扬先抑心理触觉虚词反问开头结尾神态味觉翻译夸张镜头剪接抒情间接抒情借景抒情法直接抒情词类活用反复视角转换触景生情法古今异义人物形象无叙事线索咏物言志法姓名字号其他称号历史地位/文学地位/文学称号代表作名句孔丘仲尼无孔子圣人至圣至圣先师大成至圣先师万世师表儒家学派开创者首开私学世界十大文化名人《春秋》《论语》(后世弟子及再传弟子作)学而时习之,不亦说乎?孟轲子舆无孟子亚圣儒家学派代表人物最早提出民贵君轻思想《孟子》天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能。荀况卿无荀子荀卿儒家学派代表人物《荀子》不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。李耳聃无老子道家学派开创者《道德经》道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。庄周子休无庄子漆园傲吏道家学派代表人物《庄子》不知周之梦为胡蝶与,胡蝶之梦为周与?韩非无无韩子韩非子法家学派集大成者《韩非子》今欲以先王之政,治当世之民,皆守株之类也。墨翟无无无墨家学派创始人《墨子》虽杀臣,不能绝也。孙武长卿无兵圣孙子孙武子兵家至圣百世兵家之师东方兵学的鼻祖《孙子兵法》兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。左丘明无无盲左文宗史圣经臣史祖百家文字之宗,万世古文之祖《左传》《国语》无列御寇无无列子道家学派代表人物《列子》《愚公移山》无屈原原、灵均无无中国古代伟大的浪漫主义诗人中国古代第一位爱国诗人《离骚》路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。秦吕不韦无无仲父杂家代表人物《吕氏春秋》无司马迁子长无太史公史圣与司马光并称史界两司马与司马相如并称西汉文章两司马《史记》《报任安书》人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛,用之所趋异也。司马相如长卿无犬子辞宗、赋圣与司马迁并称西汉文章两司马《子虚赋》《上林赋》无贾谊无无贾生汉初最重要的思想家和最杰出的文人《过秦论》仁义不施而攻守之势异也。曹操孟德无魏武帝建安文坛领袖《短歌行》《观沧海》《龟虽寿》周公吐哺,天下归心。曹植子建无陈思王第一个大力写作五言诗的文人《七步诗》本自同根生,相煎何太急?陶渊明元亮一说渊明五柳先生百世田园之祖千古隐逸之宗田园诗的鼻祖《饮酒》组诗、《五柳先生传》《桃花源记》《归去来兮辞》采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。王羲之逸少无书圣其《兰亭集序》被誉为天下第一行书《兰亭集序》后之视今,亦犹今之视昔,悲夫!谢灵运灵运无无山水诗派鼻祖第一位全力创作山水诗的诗人《入彭蠡湖口》无王勃子安无无初唐四杰之首诗杰《送杜少府之

    上传时间:2023-05-11 页数:6



  • 填色绘本colour_peppa_peppaBike.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-07 页数:1



  • 原版高清绘本(不同于自制绘本)23本03-Nature_Trail.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-07 页数:15



  • Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.pdf

    Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:6



  • Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物We See Them Grow.pdf

    Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物We See Them Grow.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:6



  • 斑点狗小玻系列Spot's first walk.pdf

    斑点狗小玻系列Spot's first walk.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:28



  • 斑点狗小玻系列Spot says please.pdf

    斑点狗小玻系列Spot says please.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:13



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-06_The_Playgroup.pdf

    1S1-062Narrator: Peppa and George are going to the playgroup.It is George's rst day.Daddy:George, are you looking forward to the playgroup?Peppa:Daddy, maybe George is too small to go to my playgroup?Daddy:He'll be ne, Peppa.ere'll be you andMr. Dinosaur there to keep him company. George:Grrr! Dine-Saw!Peppa:But I want to play with the big children! Not George and his toy dinosaur.3Narrator: Oh dear, Peppa doesn't wantGeorge to go to her playgroup.Daddy:We're here!Peppa:Daddy, are you sure George is big enough?Daddy:He'll be ne.Peppa:Alright, he can come.Daddy:Bye-bye!4Narrator: Madame Gazelle looks after the children at the playgroup.Peppa:Hello! is is my little brother, George.Madame Gazelle :Hello, George!5Suzy :Baa! I wish I had a little brother like George.Peppa:Really?6Danny Dog:Hello! I'm Danny Dog.Woof Woof! Is that a dinosaur?Peppa:It's just a toy dinosaur.George:Grrr! Dine-Saw!Danny :Brilliant! Woof Woof!George:Dine-Saw! Grrr!Candy,Suzy and Rebecca :Aaaaaggghh!7George:Dine-Saw! Grrr!Madame Gazelle :Aaaah, really scary.Danny :at's brilliant!8Peppa:George is my brother.He's brilliant.Narrator:Peppa is proud of her little brother, George.9Madame Gazelle :Shall we show George how we paint pictures?Peppa:George is not very good at painting.Madame Gazelle :Well, maybe you could help him?Peppa:Yes, I'm very good!I will show him how to paint a ower.10Peppa: George, today I'm going to teach you how to paint a ower. Peppa:First, you paint a big circle.Peppa:No, George, that's the wrong color!11Peppa: Now you paint the ower's petals.Peppa:George!at's the wrong shape!12Peppa: Now you paint the stalk and the leaves. Perfect!Peppa: George, you've done it all wrong!13Madame Gazelle:Now what do we have here?Peppa:I've painted a ower.Madame Gazelle:That's very good, Peppa.And George has painted a dinosaur.George:Grrr Dine-Saw!Danny :Woof! Brilliant!14Madame Gazelle:I think George and Peppa's pictures should go on the wall.Everyone:Hurray!Madame Gazelle:Pe

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-29_Pancakes.pdf

    1S1-292Narrator: It is teatime. And Mummy Pig has a surprise for everyone.3Mummy: Today is a day for pancakes!Peppa: Pancakes! Delicious!Daddy: I Iove pancakes!Narrator: Everyone loves pancakes!4Daddy: I'm the expert at ipping the pancakes over! Leave that to me!Mummy: Are you sure, Daddy Pig? Last time you got a bit grumpy when you dropped the pancake on the oor.Daddy: I did not get grumpy. There was a problem with the frying pan.5Peppa: Mummy, can we help make the pancakes, please?Mummy: Yes. You can help me make the batter. First, I put some our in the bowl.Peppa and George: Ooooo!Mummy: Now, I add an egg. Now, the milk. And I give it all a stir.Peppa: Mummy, can I stir?Mummy: Yes, of course Peppa.6Narrator: Peppa loves stirring. George wants to stir as well.Peppa: No, George, like this!Mummy: Ok, that's enough stirring. You two sit at the table while I cook the pancakes.7Narrator: Mummy Pig is going to flip the pancake over!Peppa: Hurray!Daddy: You could ip it higher, Mummy Pig.Mummy: You can show us how when you fIip your own pancake, Daddy Pig.8Narrator: This first pancake is for George. Mummy Pig pours a littlesyrup on George's pancake.Delicious!9Narrator: is pancake is for Peppa.Peppa: Hurray!Daddy: Hmmm you could flip it higher, Mummy Pig.Mummy: You will get a chance to show me when you ip you own pancake, Daddy Pig.Peppa: Syrup, please! Mmmmmm! Delicious!10Narrator: is pancake is for Mummy Pig.Peppa: Hurray!Daddy: You still aren't flipping them high enough, Mummy Pig.Mummy: The next pancake is yours, Daddy Pig. So now you can show us how it should be done.Mmmmmm! Delicious!11Daddy: Is everyone watching? The secret of making a good pancake is to ip it high into the air. One two three hoopla!Peppa: Silly Daddy!Daddy: Ohmaybe that was just a bit too high.Mummy: What a shame, that was the last pancake.12Daddy: It should be a simple matter to get it down.Narrator: Oh, dear. Daddy Pig cannot reach his pancake.Mummy: Don't worry, Daddy Pi

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 调皮的亨利英文绘本Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse (2000).pdf

    调皮的亨利英文绘本Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse (2000).pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:50



  • 第二级(适合5-7岁儿童)Class Picture Day.doc

    Class Picture Day班级照片When the photographer says cheese, stick out your tongue, said Amy.Okay, said Richard. Okay, I said.The pictures came back. Amy is smiling. Richard is smiling.My whole class is smiling!I am sticking out my tongue.Amy put her picture in her folder. Richard put his picture in his bookbag.I put my picture in the trash.Just as I was leaving, My teacher said,Dont forget your picture!We got on the bus.Amy showed her picture to the bus driver.Richard showed his picture to the big kids.I stuck my picture between the seats.Just as I was leaving, My bus driver said,Dont forget your picture!When we got off the bus, Amy ran home with her picture.Richard ran home with his picture.I put my picture in my dogs house.Just as I was leaving, My dog ran up to me.He had my picture in his mouth.I had to take my picture home.So I took out my red marker…Now, Amy is ticking out her tongue.Richard is sticking out his tongue.My teacher is sticking out her tongue.My whole class is sticking out their tongues.I think Ill frame this picture.end.

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:1



  • 第二级(适合5-7岁儿童)两只小猪顽皮记.doc

    两只小猪顽皮记我们是两只顽皮的小猪,住在芬斯特农场。母鸡下蛋的时候,我们就故意胳肢它们。停下!我们这两只顽皮的小猪,芬斯特先生大叫。人们挤牛奶的时候,我们就把两头牛的尾巴系到一块。停下!你们这两只顽皮的小猪,芬斯特太太大叫。我们不在泥里打滚而是把泥巴甩到对方身上。停下!我们这两只顽皮的小猪,芬斯特夫妇大叫。哎呀!收拾你们的行李给我走!芬斯特夫妇大叫。所有的动物都哭着喊道:我们会想念你们的,顽皮的小猪!我们沿着公路走到了汉豪克夫妇的农场。能给我们这两只顽皮的小猪找个地方住吗?我们问道。汉豪克先生给我们搭了一个新窝。我们把绵羊的尾巴蘸上了墨水,汉豪克先生看到后大笑起来。汉豪克太太让我们用她的烤炉做泥巴小饼。有一天,芬斯特家的奶牛雪丽来这儿看我们。你们愿意回到我们的农场去吗?雪丽问。那里的母鸡不下蛋了。奶牛不产奶了。不,我们说,汉豪克夫妇很喜欢我们,因为我们是——顽皮的小猪。我们拉了拉雪丽的尾巴向它道别,然后,它就回芬斯特农场去了。一个星期后,芬斯特农场里所有的动物都到汉豪克农场来了。雪丽说芬斯特一家搬到城里去。能给我们找个地方住吗?汉豪克夫妇让所有的动物都住在他们的农场里。朋友们都回来了,我们真高兴。我们给每个人的脸上都抹上了泥巴。我们在汉豪克家的羽绒褥垫上跳了两个小时。我们太高兴了。看在过去的情份上,我们应该拜访一下城里的芬斯特一家。我们说。你在开玩笑吗?雪丽问。你真的要去吗? 汉豪克先生问。不,我们说,逗你们玩呢!————结束

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:1



  • Beverly Cleary eBooks 29本Ellen Tebbits.pdf

    iiBeverlyCleary EllenTebbits ILLUSTRATED BY Tracy Dockray viiiContents 1. Ellens Secret 1 2. The Biennial Beet 39 3. Leave It to Otis 68 4. Ellen Rides Again 85 5. The Twins 115 6. The Substitute Rat 134 7. Dusty Erasers 167 About the Author Other Books by Beverly Cleary Credits Cover CopyrightAbout the Publisherviii1 Ellens Secret Ellen Tebbits was in a hurry. As she ran down Tillamook Street with her ballet slippers tucked under her arm, she did not even stop to scuff through the autumn leaves on the sidewalk. The reason Ellen was in a hurry was a secret she would never, never tell. Ellen was a thin little girl, with dark hair and brown eyes. She wore bands on her teeth, and her hair was scraggly on the left side of her face, because she spent so much 1 time reading and twisting a lock of hair around her finger as she read. She had no brothers or sisters and, since Nancy Jane had moved away from next door, there was no one her own age living on Tillamook Street. So she had no really best friend. She did not even have a dog or cat to play with, because her mother said animals tracked in mud and left hair on the furni- ture. Of course Ellen had lots of friends at school, but that was not the same as having a best friend who lived in the same neighbor- hood and could come over to play after school and on Saturdays.Today, however, Ellen was almost glad she did not have a best friend, because best friends do not have secrets from one another. She was sure she would rather be lonely the rest of her life than share the secret of why she had to get to her dancing class before any of the other girls. 3The Spofford School of the Dance was upstairs over the Payless Drugstore. When Ellen came to the entrance at the side of the building, she paused to look anxiously up and down the street.Then, relieved that she saw no one she knew, she scampered up the long flight of steps as fast as she could run. There was not a minute to waste. She pushed ope

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:192



  • 机灵狗第1级S21_Time for lunch.pdf

    S121I feed my fish.I feed my dog.I feed my bird.I feed my cat.I feed my frog.I feed my fox.And I feed me.

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16



  • 机灵狗第1级S22_can you find it.pdf

    Can you find It?book 22Can you find the cat?Can you find the frog?Can you find the crab?Can you find the fox?Can you find the camel?Can you find the fish?Can you find me?

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16



  • 机灵狗第1级s46-whale watch.pdf

    Whale Watchbook 46We watch white whale.We watch blue whale.We watch black whale.We watch new whales.We watch one whale.We watch two whales.

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:14



  • 好奇的乔治英文绘本系列Curious George Visits the Library1.pdf

    好奇的乔治英文绘本系列Curious George Visits the Library1.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:25



  • 卡由英文绘本Caillou is afraid of the dark.pdf

    Storyteller: Story time, Kids. This all happened when Caillou was just three years old. Todays story is called Caillou is afraid in the dark. Daddy: Good night, Caillou. Have sweet dreams. Mommy: Sleep tight, dont let bed bugs bite. Caillou: OK. Sleep tight, dont let bed bugs bite. Storyteller: Story time, Kids. This all happened when Caillou was just three years old. Todays story is called Caillou is afraid of the dark. Daddy: Good night, Caillou. Have sweet dreams. Mommy: Sleep tight, dont let bed bugs bite. Caillou: OK. Sleep tight, dont let bed bugs bite.Mommy: There, all gone. They were just shadows. Caillou: But what about the scratchy monster? Mommy: I dont hear a scratchy monster. Caillou: Bed bugs?! Hah, Mommy! Mommy: Caillou, whats wrong?Caillou: Bugs, Mommy. Mommy: There, all gone. They were just shadows. Caillou: But what about the scratchy monster? Mommy: I dont hear a scratchy monster. Caillou: Bad bugs?! Hah, Mommy! Mommy: Caillou, whats wrong?Caillou: Bugs, Mommy. Caillou: Im not afraid of monsters.Im not afraid of monsters.Caillou: There is a scratchy monster in here. Its making scratchy sounds. Mommy: Im sure you think you've heard something. But there is no need to be afraid of monsters, do you know why, because monsters arent real. They are just make-believe. Good-night, dear.Caillou: Im not afraid of monsters.Im not afraid of monsters.Caillou: There is a scratchy monster in here. Its making scratchy sounds. Mommy: Im sure you think you've heard something. But there is no need to be afraid of monsters, do you know why, because monsters arent real. They are just make-believe. Good-night, dear. Caillou: Yes, but… There was a flying monster and a scratchy monster. It's in my room.Daddy: You probably just imagined you heard something, Caillou. I cant find anything.Caillou: Oh! Ah! Daddy! Daddy: Its ok,Caillou. Its just your toy Snakey. Caill

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:16



  • 故事与韵文英语绘本My Ladybird Treasure of Stories and Rhymes.pdf

    故事与韵文英语绘本My Ladybird Treasure of Stories and Rhymes.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:189









