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  • 英文绘本创意教学when sophie gets angry.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学when sophie gets angry.pdf

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  • 英文绘本创意教学Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:18



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Dinosaurs.pdf

    Brother Bear liked to read, and hewent to the Bear Country Library quiteoften. He liked mysteries, adventurestories, and sports stories. He liked allkinds of books.One day he found a book aboutdinosaurs. It was very interesting.Brother Bear really liked thosedinosaurs. They were very exciting.He liked their long ferocious teeth.And their long ferocious names—liketyrannosaurus and stegosaurus andmosasaurus.Stegosaurus had spikes on its tail. Itcould use them to whack Tyrannosaurus,which had those long ferocious teeth.Mosasaurus, which lived in the sea, wasbigger and more ferocious than thebiggest shark!The best part was that they livedlong, long, long ago, so you didn't haveto worry about them getting you.Papa and Mama Bear thought it wasfine that Brother had this new interest—and Sister Bear had no serious objection.They all went to the Bear CountryMuseum to see the dinosaur skeletons.They were tremendous. Brotherreally liked those dinosaur skeletons.The skeleton kit had a zillion bones.Papa helped put it together whileBrother played with the models. Thetyrannosaurus model had those longteeth and the stegosaurus had sharpspikes on its tail. Brother Bearpretended they were having a terrificfight!Brother became more and moreinterested in dinosaurs. He got moredinosaur books out of the library. Helearned about the dimetrodon, whichhad a big sail on its back. He learnedabout the brontosaurus, or thunderlizard, which was so big it soundedlike thunder when it walked.He bought more models of dinosaurs.He drew pictures of them. He mademodels of them out of clay. There weredinosaurs all over the place. Papa,Mama, and Sister started to get a littlefed up.Once there was a stegosaurus onPapa's chair and he sat on it. Ouch!There were so many dinosaurs in thecubs' room that there was hardly anyroom left for Sister.And when Mama found clay dinosaursin the refrigerator, she didn't like itmuch. Brother had put them in thereso they would keep firm and fierceand not get soft and mushy.Mam

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Bad_Dream.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34



  • 英文绘本创意教学Seven+blind+mice[.pdf

    Seven Blind MiceOne day seven blind mice were surprised to find a strange Something by their pond. What is it? they cried, and they all ran homeOn Monday, Red Mouse went first to find out.On Monday, Red Mouse went first to find out.Its a pillar, he said. No one believed him.On Tuesday, Green Mouse set out. He was the second to go.Its a snake, he said.No, said Yellow Mouse on Wednesday.Its a spear. He was the third in turn.The fourth was Purple Mouse. He went on Thursday.Its a great cliff, he said.Orange Mouse went on Friday, the fifth to go.Its a fan! he cried. I felt it move.The sixth togo was Blue Mouse.He went on Saturday and said, Its nothing but a rope.But the others didnt agree. They began to argue. A snake! A rope! A fan! A cliff!Until on Sunday, White Mouse, The seventh mouse, went to the pond.When she came upon the Something, she ran up one side, and she ran down the other. She ran across the top and from end to end.Ah, said White Mouse. Now, I see. The Something is as sturdy as a pillar, supple as a snake. wide as a cliff,sharp as a spear,sharp as a spear,breezy as a fan, stringy as a rope,but altogether the Something is…an elephant!And when the other mice ran up one side and down the other, across the Something from end to end, they agreed.Now they saw, too.The Mouse Moral:•Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole.

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:36



  • 英文绘本创意教学Does_A_Kangaroo_Have_A_Mother,_Too.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:28



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Mama__s_Day_Surprise.pdf

    1 2 Title Page Copyright3First Page4Mothers Day was coming, and Mama Bear knew that Papa and the cubs were going to surprise her with a special celebration. 5Last year they took her out for a special Mothers Day dinner. 6Mama was pretty sure that this year they were going to surprise her with a special Mothers Day breakfast in bed. 7And alas, she also knew that she would probably have to spend the rest of Mothers Day cleaning up the mess they made preparing her special breakfast in bed. But that was okay. Its the thought that counts. 8The signs of Papa and the cubs Mothers Day plan werent hard to read. There was a marker in the cookbook at the page for Mamas favorite breakfast: Honeyed French Toast with Blueberries. 9And one day when they were shopping at the Beartown Mart, she saw the cubs slip off in the direction of the card department. 10As Mothers Day drew closer, Mama knew that she had a lot to do if her familys Mothers Day surprise was going to be a success. 11First, she had to find the old bed tray they used when a family member was ill. She found it at the top of one of the kitchen cabinets where she kept jars and bottles that were too nice to throw away. 12It had some oatmeal on it from when Papa had been in bed with a cold. She scraped off the oatmeal and put the bed tray where she knew Papa and the cubs could find it. 13But there was more to do. She had to make sure they would have the ingredients to make her special Mothers Day surprise. She checked the recipe in the cookbook. 14Honeyed French Toast with Blueberries called for honey, bread, eggs, sweet cream, sweet butter, powdered sugar, and blueberries. 15It was Papa and the cubs favorite breakfast, too. But that was okay. Its the thought that counts. As for the mess they would make in the kitchen—well, that just came with being a mama. 16Mama checked the cupboard. There was honey, of course, and plenty of bread. 17There was powdered sugar, too. Bu

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:51



  • 英文绘本创意教学TodayIsMonday.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:12



  • 英文绘本创意教学英文绘本创意教学Book 3.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学英文绘本创意教学Book 3.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:188



  • 英文绘本创意教学3-13+What+Daddies++Mommies+do+best.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:44



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_In-Crowd.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34



  • 英文绘本创意教学A Dark Dark Tale.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学A Dark Dark Tale.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:28



  • 英文绘本创意教学eat your peas.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学eat your peas.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:34



  • 英文绘本创意教学willy the dreamer.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学willy the dreamer.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:26



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_Mama_s_New_Job.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_The_Bike_Lesson.pdf

    1 2Title Page Copyright3First Page Come here, Small Bear. Here is something you will like.4 Look, Ma, look! A brand-new bike.5Thanks, Dad! Thanks! For me, you say? I am going to ride it right away! 6Not yet, not yet, not yet, my son … 7First come the lessons, then the fun. 8How to get on is lesson one. 9Lesson one? Is that lesson one? 10Yes. That is what you should not do.So let that be a lesson to you.11Yes it was, Dad. Now I see. That was a very good lesson for me. 12Dad! Where are you going? You showed me how. Why dont you let me ride it now? 13Not yet. Not yet. Before you do Ill have to give you lesson two. 14Just watch, Small Bear. Just watch your Pop. 15Lesson two is how to stop. 16A very good lesson. Thank you, Pop.May I ride it now that you showed me how?17 May I? May I ride it now?18 Not yet. Not yet. You have more to learn.19 Ill have to show you how to turn.20Just watch me … 21This is lesson number three. 22 Wow! What a lesson! That number three! That may be a little too hard for me.23This is what you must never do. 24Now let this be a lesson to you. 25It surely was, Dad! Now I see. 26That was a very good lesson for me. 27When I get you down may I ride it then? May I? May I? Just say when. 28Wait, my son. You must learn some more. I have yet to teach you lesson four. 29When you come to a puddle what will you do? Will you go around or ride right through? 30Its not so good to ride right through. 31Youre right, Dad. I can clearly see why that lesson was good for me. 32When I get you out, may I ride it then? 33 34Please, Dad … Will you tell me when?Of course. You may ride it. You can. You will.35…After lesson five. How to go down hill. 36Wow! What a lesson! That looks hard, 37going down hill through a chicken yard. 38Dad, please tell me … will I 39ever get to ride it?Or will I just keep running beside it?40Will I? Will I? Wi

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:66



  • 英文绘本创意教学animals_should_definitely_not_wear_clothing1.pdf

    Animals should definitely not wear clothing�:�U�L�W�W�H�Q���E�\���-�X�G�L���%�D�U�U�H�W�W���L�O�O�X�V�W�U�D�W�H�G���E�\���5�R�Q���%�D�U�U�H�W�W��Animals should definitely not wear clothing… Because it wouldbe disastrous for a porcupine,Because a camelmight wear itin the wrong places, Because a snakewould lose it, Because amouse couldget lost in it, Because a sheepmight find itterribly hot, Because it couldbe very messy for a pig,Because it mightmake life hard for a hen,Because a kangaroowould find itquite unnecessary, Because a giraffemight looksort of silly, Because a billygoat would eat itfor lunch, Because it would always be wet on a walrus,Because a moosecould nevermanage, Becauseopossumsmight wear it upside down by mistake, And most of all,because it might be very embarrassing.

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:17



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_The_Bears_Vacation.pdf

    1 2 ContentsTitle Page Copyright First Page3Hooray! Hooray! Were on our way! 4Our summer vacation starts today! 5And here we are. What a wonderful trip! 6Lets get in the water! Lets go for a dip! 7Small Bear! Small Bear! Dont you go too far. 8I want to see you wherever you are. 9Dont you worry. Dont you fear. 10Ill show him all the dangers here. 11Im watching, Dad! Im all set to go! 12Then here is the first rule you should know. Obey all warning signs! 13Look around. Are there any warning signs to be found? 14 There is one. And I think you should know15 it says in big letters, STRONG UNDERTOW!16 Ah, yes, Small Bear. Youre right! It does! Do you see how good my first rule was?17 Yes, Papa! Here! Catch hold of this line.18Ill be safe when I swim now. That lesson was fine. 19You will be safe when diving, too, after I give you rule number two. 20Look first. Then dive when all is clear. Now lets take a look. Is there anything near? 21 Yes, Dad, there is. I see a twig!22 Never mind that! Its not very big.23 You proved it, Dad. Even a twig can be bad.24Right, my son. That is very true. Its a pleasure to teach these rules to you. 25Dad, Ill remember the rules you gave. Now lets go surfing. Lets ride on a wave. 26 Now we go on to rule number three. Beware of all rocks when surfing at sea.27Look, Papa! Rocks! Right there ahead! We should beware of them as you said. 28Those rocks are much too far away. The surf will not reach those rocks today. 29 Then, on the other hand, we might end up on those rocks. You see? I was right!30I think I understand safety now. Thank you, Dad, for showing me how!But I have much more to tell you, my son. My safety rules31have only begun! 32When people vacation at the shore, 33they like to take walks. They like to explore. 34So watch your step is rule number four. There are many sharp shells along the shore. 35Heres a sharp one! Ill step with care. But may

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:60



  • 英文绘本创意教学we are going on a bear hunt.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学we are going on a bear hunt.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:19



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_Baby_Makes_Five.pdf

    a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five Electronic book published by ipicturebooks.com 24 W. 25th St. New York, NY10010 aFor more ebooks, visit us at: http://www.ipicturebooks.com aAll rights reserved. aCopyright (c) 2000 by Stan and Jan Berenstain Originally published by Random House in 2000 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form aor by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,arecording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,awithout permission in writing from the publisher. e-ISBN: 1-59019-223-0 Ebook conversion by wTree.comBig news in Bear Country!The Bear family, who lives in the bigtree house down a sunny dirt road, has anew member; a baby girl named Honey.What fun! What excitement! What a nuisance! Sometimes it seemed that it wascrying,feeding,burping,aspitting up,and diapering around the clock. And when it wasn't those things, it wascuddling,dandling,fussingand kitchy-cooing.a And when it wasnt those things, it wasshopping, shopping and more shopping for things that were needed for the new baby.At least that's how it seemed to Sister Bear.a Brother Bear understood that babies need a lot ofattention. He'd been through it before when Sister wasborn. But having a new baby in the house was a newexperience for Sister, and she wasn't enjoying it very much.It didn't help that when Papa came home fromwork every day, the first thing he did waspick up the new baby, make goo-goo eyes,and say, "How'smy darlin'little dumpling?"aDumpling. Good name for her,thought Sister-a fat little doughballthat was hard to swallow. It didn't help at all when Aunt Min andUncle Louie visited and made a big fuss overthe new baby."Well, Sis," said Uncle Louie, "I guessyou're not the big star around here anymor

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